It can be so, so hard to stay in the faith with everything going on around us. It can be so tedious to dodge things can hinder the spirit. However, we serve a great, big, mighty God. God says in scripture that he will never give you more than you can handle when it comes to sin/ troubles. Whether it's an upcoming test or the death of a family member- God is there and it has been spoken that you CAN handle it. I know personally, it can be such a struggle not to just give up and backslide into the world- it can even be a daily struggle. It's often a routine for me that I oh,so despise. Wake up, devotions, head to school, make plenty of mistakes and feel like I'm disappointing God, go home ask for forgiveness and repeat. There are bad and good days and it's so fortunate that God is understanding, fair and just to forgive. God understands that we are humans and it's even quoted in scripture that "All fall short of the glory of God'. Note how it doesn't say "have fallen" but it's in the state of falling. God sees our short comings and He's not angry with us- as we are His children. It's only when people sin on purpose, or know what they're doing and continuously do it, that there is an issue- and God will deal with that.
Also, remember it's not our responsibility to convict others for their actions- the Holy Spirit does that. We're here to minister to others to the best of our ability. Everyone has their own form of ministry. While someone might walk the streets shouting God's word, another might have the gift of comforting others. We have to find our gifts and use them, or else what is our purpose? "My soul exists to know your name." -Hillsong, Pursue (amazing worship song btw) .
Another aspect is social media. There are so many Christian "standards" and "aesthetics". Focusing on whether they dress like the "hipster church". May we not focus too much and turn Christianity into an Instagram filter- but let our lives be the light.
That leads me to guilt. Never feel that because you've made plenty of mistakes that you can't minister. That's just the devil trying to hinder you from pursuing and doing God's mission. God can use anyone to get his message out. Don't think because you've had- key word HAD, a history with boys or you've had drug addiction, alcoholism issues or whatever it might be, that you can't be a light to the world. Once you've accepted Jesus, genuinely repented and are trying to stay in the rights with God- go for it. We are so incredibly blessed. We serve the God of this Universe. The creator of this Universe. God sat and spoke this world into existence and created us with such love. God takes all of our tears into jars, knows the number of hairs on our heads and writes our names in the Lambs Book of Life when we are saved. That's all backed biblically.
Another thing is spending time with God. I fall so short in this aspect that it's honestly shameful. I'm working on it though, and God is working with me. It's only fair to talk and spend time with God, and I often think it slips minds that it's also an extreme honor. The creator of the entire world and 7 billion people wants to talk to me and waits for me? Hop on it! Reading the word, and talking to God is such a blessing that can so easily be forgotten about. Also, keep in mind that you don't have to be in your bedroom and on your knees for your prayers to be heard. You can talk to God whenever! When Jesus died and the veil was torn, it was an official sign that we could talk to God without sacrifice. While you're shopping, doing homework, picking out clothes- anything, God is there and God is listening. Talk to Him, He'd be so glad to hear you.
All in all, the God we serve is an astonishing God who wants a personal relationship with us and wants the spend eternity with us. I can't even explain how loved we are and how blessed we are. God sent His only Son to die for all of our sins and I know I'm forever grateful. I really hope this helped or inspired you. Jesus is coming soon- watch for him, stay faithful, stay strong and stay blessed.
Love you lots,
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