
Why I Stopped Sitting.

I stopped sitting.

      Recently, I have felt a little distanced from God and I knew exactly why, I was just too lazy and callous to do anything about it. I was drowning myself in social media and all the things that I knew distanced me from God; whilst in the back of my head I knew that I should have just shut my door, opened my Bible and sought His face. But I didn't. So, there I was distressed over something completely avoidable, knowing that the Creator of the Universe and lover of my soul was eager and willing to welcome me home as the prodigal son returned to his father.

     Soon after, I stopped sitting. I stopped begging God to come back to me and started chasing Him. I stopped asking God to fill me with all that He is and sought Him myself- and I have no regrets. The only regret that comes with Christianity and the only disappointment is when I, myself slip up. When I myself put God on the back burner. When I, myself know where true, genuine and perfect joy comes from and still fill myself with the world as if it would benefit me at all. All that does is pull you from God. It makes you feel like you're sitting in the bottom of the pit when there's a ladder right there- and you just refuse to climb it.

     I guess what I'm trying to say here is, if you're in the same place that I was, stop sitting. Stop sitting at the bottom of the pit looking at the ladder and at God's face yearning to see you get out, and make use of the ladder. Dive into his Word; it's living and it's true. Worship Him. Don't let the devil steal your praise and keep you where you are. Worship is your warfare. Lastly, pray. If you don't even know where to start and what to talk about, sometimes it's perfectly fine to sit in the presence of the Almighty God and refuel.

     He loves you, seek Him always.

stay blessed,

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