1// Get Closer to God- Blasting Hillsong's "Oceans" can only fill you up to some extent. This year I would love something deeper with Jesus. Some ideas that popped into my head are devotions, helpful books, good playlists, praying more- developing a prayer closet and so much more. Maybe once some of this ideas kick into full gear I will see some results. I don't mean to say that to make it sounds like God is some systematic mystical being that grants answers to prayers through worthy actions, but just throwing out ideas to help show God you are making some type of effort to get closer to him. Top priority of 2k16.
2// Get fit- The goal isn't to drop down to a size 00 by whenever, but simply to watch my eating habits better, take more trips to whole foods, exercise more often and overall look out for my well-being.
3//Consistently Blog- The Lord knows I love writing so much, and putting my thoughts out in public for the enjoyment of others is great. I would love to have a consistent blogging schedule for you all and no more sporadic posting.
4//Keep Up My Good Grades- New semester, new classes, new teachers. One of my goals is to focus academically and keep up my grades and have a rockin' gpa.
5// Try New Things- This year I want to be more open to things. Whether it's new trends, new food, new places, new products, I want to be more willing and have a more open mind. A lot less of staying in my comfort zone could definitely do me some good so why not?
Overall, my goals are few, so hopefully keeping up with them and completing them won't be as hard as I am imagining. If you have any goals, go for it! It's always worth it in the long run.
"I can and I will. Watch me"
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