

All you need is one moment, in the presence of the Almighty God, and you will be changed.

  1. relapse into bad ways or error.

         When we take our eyes off of God for even a minute too long, in our human error, it is so easy to "relapse into bad ways or error". In our human efforts, our flesh takes over and everything that we know about God and all that He is and stands for, can be temporarily gone in the midst of temptation. This is one of the main reasons we sin. Jesus on the other-hand, could never sin. Why? Because His mind was on the Father and His will 100% of the time, 24/7. As humans, we aren't capable of that, and that is why we are in so much need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As obvious as it is, it is much easier for a sinner to sin than it is for a spirit-filled person. If a non-Christian thinks about God and the wrongness of their committed sins, once a month or every once in a while, and the spirit-filled person thinks of God more than a few times a day, it is easier for the spirit-filled person to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and refrain from committing the sin. 

    When we come to God in full surrender, He is true to fill us and our lives with Him  and every good thing.
         God loves us, even in our sin- thus the unconditional love He offers us, free for the taking. The issue is, human nature. Since the Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve, God has offered His unconditional and unfailing love. For some reason, it is often taken for granted kudos to the error of human nature. It is evident in peoples relationship with God, and their relationships with other people. As Christians, because we know the intensity of God's love, mercy and forgiveness, it becomes near simple to take that same love for granted without the fear of God in our lives.

    This is what leads to backsliding.

         In that moment where we have gotten so comfortable in our Christianity that we no longer fear God and respect Him as we should, we fall into our flesh. We turn to our old ways once more, although we are called into the light and furthermore to be that light. I myself have gone through this. Backsliding is no joke. You forget your identity in Christ, you feel lost, you feel like you can't get out of the rut you're in, you're spiritually blinded, you open doors that only Jesus can close, and you even find it too hard to worship.

         The Devil knows how easy it can be to backslide and he comes when we are most vulnerable. This is why it is so important to pray, walk with God daily and read the Bible daily.  Psalm 119:9 says that the simplest way to keep your ways pure are to guard your way according to the word of God. I can't stress it enough but, all the 'rules' that God made for us are not to keep us from 'having a good time' or to take from this life, all of its experiences or even to give God a good laugh. God provided guidelines so that we could live out our best lives. 

         God wants us to prosper and thrive, but you can only live in true prosperity and peace when we walk in the will of God. There is no true joy and peace outside of His will- I promise you. There were times before I was a Christian and even sometimes now, that I want to do things my way because I trust to much in what I can see and not what I can't see- the unseen is what is on my side. The Devil steals from so many Christians and takes away the lives they could have, because they are blinded and become impatient, leaving them to think that God has given up on them or that He doesn't have the best laid plans for their life.

         It is time as believers in Christ to stop letting the Devil steal from us. There is no better time than right in this moment to leave the grave behind us, just as Jesus did and live in the light. It's time to follow Jesus with no turning back. He wants us to thrive. 

    stay blessed,

Everyday Makeup Routine

     As I was looking through my archive, I realized I haven't done an everyday makeup tutorial! Well, the wait is over. Today I am going to be sharing my everyday makeup routine. If you spot something you'd like to snag, all you have to do is click on the product below via the magical revolver of goods. 

Let's begin!

1. Bobbi Brown Face Base: Apply this with clean hands for an absolutely smooth and flawless base.

2. Laura Mercier Candle Glow Foundation: I'm in the shade truffle! I adore this foundation because it gives me the perfect glow and radiant skin I crave in the summer. I apply this with my beauty blender making stippling and bouncing motions.

3.NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer: After foundation, in order to highlight some of my facial points, I use this concealer. This was and still is one of my life savers.

4.Urban Decay Primer Potion: I then prime my eyes with this primer to ensure a gorgeous and glossy lid all day.

5. Dior Show Mascara: I coat my lashes a few times with this mascara for a flattering eye look.

6. Anastasia Brow Wiz: I absolutely love this pencil. I use light strokes on my browns to fill in any space areas.

7.Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray: I finish the look off with this setting spray to maintain the same face all day long.

I hope you all enjoyed my everyday makeup look! Feel free to find me on social media if you have any questions via the icons at the top of the blog!

stay blessed,