
It's Worth It.

    Then at last everyone will say, "There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth." -Psalm 58:11
      Is there a point in living for God? Yes. Not only because it is what He commands but because it is in our best interest. Wherever you go in this life, as long as the Lord led you there, you are at the safest place you will ever be.

That's one reward itself, not to mention that God will avenge you and defeat your enemies and that at the end of it all, there is the great reward of Heaven. No more tears, no more worries, no more sickness, no more pain, no more fighting- just the pure and untouched Glory of Jesus Christ.

So keep fighting the good fight!

stay blessed,

This is Love

Agape (Ancient Greek ἀγάπη, agápē) is "love: the highest form of love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God." 

To some, it might sound like a cliche, but I promise you the following statement is everything but that. Jesus loves you.

What greater love is there than the love of Jesus Christ? None, absolutely none. Whether you believe it or not, the fact alone that Jesus listened to His father, prayed, and went to die the worst death possible, is enough to make you ready to give your own life.

That's just the thing though, Jesus just asked for our fellowship. Jesus died for a relationship with you and I. All He asks of us is obedience and our love. "Who can fathom this exchange?" I can't.

Even if Jesus just left His death and our salvation there and was done, that would be sufficiently more than enough. However, He does so much more. Daily grace, daily mercies, daily forgiveness, daily fellowship, listening to us daily, fighting our battles daily, interceding for us to the father- daily. So much passion, so much agape love. All of this is for out taking, all of this is for free.

So where does this leave us? In a sea of free, and unending mercy. Encaptured by an unconditional love that casts out all fear. Loved by a Savior who would move mountains for us. Held in the hands of the eternal God. Saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Pursued by the one and only Champion of Heaven.

Now that's something to lift up a shout of praise about.

 stay blessed,

Why Worry?

     It's been a month! I'm happy to say I'm back though. With the second semester wrapping up and my extra curriculars, I haven't had too much time to sit down and write. However, I do want to share something that's been laid on my heart.

     In some eyes, it seems that there is so much to worry about in this life. Whether it's school, work, relationships, friendships or anything, really- Satan has a way of rearing his head and magnifying life's situations. However, recently I have realized that I have a choice. By the grace of God, every single morning that God gives me breath, I have the choice to have a good day and smile in my circumstances.

     There is nothing that the enemy loves more than worry. Worry is a very slick form of blasphemy that most people aren't able to automatically detect, therefore making it an easy shot for the Devil to start up a spiritual battle. Worrying can cause you to stray away from God, bring sickness to your body, affect others around you and overall take over your life.

     Worry is a binding vice that only the blood of Jesus can take away. When I worry, as much as I'd like to tell myself that I'm unbothered or not worrying, the freedom of worrying only comes after I fully immerse myself in God's presence and ask for Him to take it- as His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

     I will give you an entire list as to why ultimately and wholeheartedly putting your trust in Jesus Christ is the only way to go about it. Who cares about you more than the lover of your soul? Who watched over more than the one and only who died for you? Who cares more about your future than the Champion of Heaven? No one. No if and's or but's about it!

     Ultimately, as long as you are living in the ordained and blessed steps that Jesus has set ahead for you, you're set. No matter what your circumstances look like, no matter what you're feeling, no matter what everyone is saying around you, no matter what is going on around you, God is a wall of fire around you and wherever He dwells, you are at your safest there. Stay close to him.

stay blessed,