Dear Underclassmen, it's a quick two years, I promise. Filled with books, projects, quizzes and a possibly some tears, I promise you can do it. Plan. Buy a cute agenda, fill it with your to-do's and stay on top of things- your grades depend on it. Take time for yourself. Dim the lights, set flame to a candle wick, put on a face mask, drop a bath bomb and take a moment to love yourself. These are your foundation years. Try your hardest, and let God do the rest. Study, focus on your goals, smash them and clap for yourself and never wait for someone else's clout. At the end, it's only God's view and your view of yourself that matters- humans often speak through emotion and not truth. Look out for yourself. If you think something is sketchy, watch out and take heed. When it comes to friendships choose wisely, don't try to hang with a particular group simply because they might seem better than the group you have now. Know your worth. Never sell yourself short- you're worth much, much more than you can comprehend. Worship often, even when life looks a little tough. Pray. A lot. Before a test, before you eat, before class- pray and be led to act in God's steps. Your steps can only make your life 10x messier. Never listen to someone who says "follow your heart". The heart is foolish and flies and runs behind whatever you think is the right move in the moment. Always ask for God to ordain your moves. Also, don't tell people your moves if you know they can alter them- your friends can often not be who you think they are. Go to games. Go to dances. Join a club. Join a sport. Bottom line, don't let four years pass you by and you spent them watching life on the sidelines. Be nice to your teachers. Don't be that kid who gives a teacher sheer hell to "amuse" your peers. Compliment someone. Compliment yourself. Take time to celebrate every small victory. Drink water. Always pack a granola bar- trust me, a quick snack in the hall can make a world of difference. Lastly, don't forget to always put your best foot forward. Get up, pray up, dress up and do the thing!!! You have this and God has you, I promise.
stay blessed,